Thursday, October 12, 2006

Andrei Lankov on Sanctions

Andrei Lankov had a really good piece about what to do with sanctions. He says there are no good options.

Andrei Lankov is a very smart man. Those so-called experts keep on talking about how China needs to get into this. They are, but they don't want to search P'yongyang's ships. They know most of their products goes through rail or gets smuggled over the border.

We need a cultural exchange. Not a political exchange. I said before that political radio stations aren't doing the job. That's why we need underground radio stations broadcasting Korean music into North Korea.

That might lead to a whole cultural revolution. Not the Mao type. But seeing punks on the street. Graffiti on the walls. Modern Art. Revolution in the air. You know. A sort of 70's thing.


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