Friday, February 17, 2006


North Korea holds the largest submarine force in the world........ made up of 60s era Soviet diesel submarines and midget submarines for covert operations. They hold 3 frigates...... from the 60s. They're equipped with anti-ship missiles....... from the 60s. The KPAN is like a floating antique. They have 2 submarine bases which hold a total of 24 combat submarines. One in the Sea of Japan, the other in the Yellow Sea. That means their submarine fleet will be taken out service within hours if war breaks out between them and South Korea. North Korean anti-ship missiles are sitting ducks for SAM systems. So what I'm trying to say is that the KPAN is not a threat. A blockade will completely immobilize North Korea's fleet. South Korea is just too advanced. They possess 10 destroyers, 18 frigates and 9 modern submarines. Not to mention the 100 or so littoral craft. The KPAN poses no threat. Ignore them.


At 1:09 PM, Blogger DPRKLiberator said...

Very true. But I doubt North Korean subs could get out of harbor before being detected by ASW units. Of course, old fishing boats could work to infiltrate. I think they would use land-based anti-ship missiles acquired from China sometime ago.


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